Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Writing in the 21st Century


2) Some speed bumps could be not having materials, cultures that devolved writing, prohibition black women being able to write.

3) That there is no excuse to not be literate today, with all the new technologies we should all be ahead of the pack.

4) Reading is more respected because it is the basic fundamental. You must first be able to read before you can write.

5) People associate writing with test.

6) Drafting, peer review, reflection, revising, and publishing.

7) Self sponsored writing is when you type something personal, and I have a couple.

8) The 21st century is more based along the lines of composition because we have way more opportunities to write.

9) Today the term literacy means so much more than it used to. It used to be all reading and not a lot of writing but now it is all important.

10) Literacy is the ability to read write and use technology.

"Brave New World of Digital Intimacy"

1) The main arguments are that face book was too open and that literacy is changing into how good each person is at using these new forms of contact.

2) News Feed was created so that you would not have to go searching for information. It would all be in front of you. It is a good way to keep up with friends and information that you would have never thought about other wise. I think that News Feed is a good thing, just because we will read more things and be in lighted by more things now.

3) Aambient awareness is being able to notice everything like the person was standing next to you. Facebook makes people feel this way because of the minute by minute update. I believe that I am a victim of this. 

4) It can make us feel that we are closer to those people even though we may not know them. I do not see a down fall to this, i feel that it links people closer. A benefit could be that you will have more to talk about if you know more about their lives. 

5) Just woke up

6) It reflects that we are becoming less involved as readers. We tend to skim more than look for the deeper meaning any more. 

7) Does being so close help or hurt? I feel that social media is a good thing because it brings us closer and closer because we can always look on each others profiles. 

8) Because everyone else is and you want to stay connected and remembered 

9) This article shows me that literacy and its definition is changing every day and it is much different to what it was years ago.